19 research outputs found

    ANNAT SOCIALT NEDBRYTANDE BETEENDE –LVU; beskrivningar av sociala problem utifrån kön

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    Uppsatsen behandlar hur sociala problem konstrueras och förstås vid behandlingen av LVU-ärenden (LVU, Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga), med fokus på ärenden som grundas på en ungdoms ”annat socialt nedbrytande beteende” enligt §3. Den syftar också till att klarlägga hur socialsekreterares föreställningar om och beskrivningar av kön, könsskillnader, beteende, sexualitet, utsatthet, normer och normbrott ser ut. Uppsatsens teoretiska grunder är socialkonstruktionistisk teori, samt teorier om (socialt) kön. Den har en kvalitativ och hermeneutisk inriktning. Vårt huvudsakliga empiriska material har insamlats genom intervjuer med socialsekreterare i Västra Götalands län. Intervjuerna genomfördes med hjälp av en tematiskt upplagd, standardiserad öppen intervjuguide. Materialet presenteras, främst i form av citat från intervjuerna, i uppsatsens tematiskt upplagda resultatdel, samt analyseras och diskuteras sedan. I uppsatsen ingår också en översikt av gällande lagar och rättskällor, samt en historisk översikt. De teman vi behandlar i vår analys och diskussion är dels vad som anses vara ”annat socialt nedbrytande beteende”, avvikelser från samhällets grundläggande normer och vilka beteenden och annat som inger särskild oro, dels hur de socialsekreterare vi har intervjuat resonerar kring kön, beteende, sexualitet och lagens eventuella begränsningar. Vi tycker oss se, att de socialsekreterare vi har intervjuat i stort har en samstämmig syn på vilka beteenden som utgör grund för omhändertagande enligt LVU, samt att de förmedlar ett visst problematiserande av samhällsnormer, ungdomars sexualitet och skillnader i hur pojkar och flickor behandlas och beskrivs. Studien pekar mot att värderingar i viss mån styr beskrivningar av riskbeteende och utsatthet på ett könsbundet sätt och att det finns vissa skillnader i bedömningar av pojkars och flickors beteende

    Historia i kursböcker för Engelska A och B

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    I detta arbete tittar jag på hur de engelskspråkiga ländernas historia presenteras i kursböcker för kurserna Engelska A och Engelska B på gymnasiet.Jag har valt att titta på vilka länder som finns representerade och hur mycket fakta om de engelskspråkiga ländernas historia som finns i de utvalda kursböckerna.Jag ville också se vilka bilder dessa texter gav läsaren om länderna, positiva eller negativa.Resultatet av min analys är att mängden fakta varierar mellan kursböckerna, beroende på vilken kursbok du läser samt vilka länder som presenteras i denna. Det är inte bara faktatexter i böckerna, utan även utdrag från olika romaner och dikter som är skriva genom tiderna. Detta så att läsaren får en smakbit av hur litteraturen var då. De engelskaspråkiga länder som finns med i kursböckerna är: USA, Irland, Storbritannien, Australien, Nya Zeeland, Kanada, Indien, Jamaica, de Karibiska öarna och några länder från den Afrikanska kontinenten. Några av dessa länder är mer förekommande än andra i kursböckerna, som exempel USA och Irland som finns med i alla 4 kursböcker.Ordningen ovan är i den ordning som länderna förekommer, med flest antal sidor först, dvs USA är representerad med flest sidor. Resultatet av detta är att maktstrukturen i dagens värld är överförd även till de engelska kursböckerna på gymnasiet i Sverige. USA är mest förekommande i kursböckerna och har även en betydande faktor i världen idag. Detta är tvärt emot vad Faircloughs Kritiska Diskursanalys (som jag har använt i mitt arbete) försöker göra, nämligen att skapa en mer jämlik värld.In this thesis I look at how the English Speaking countries´ history are presented in four English course books aiming for English studies at Upper Secondary School, courses English A and English B (EN1201 and EN1202). I have chosen to look at which countries that are mentioned in the course books and how much fact about the English speaking countries history that the course books have. I also wanted to see what images these texts gave the readers about the countries, a positive or a negative image. The results of my analysis are that the amount of facts in the course books varies, depending on which book you look at and also the choice of countries that are presented in the books. It is not only “factual” texts in the course books either; there are also extracts from different novels and poems that were written through the ages. This so the reader gets a “taste” of what literature was like back when. The English speaking countries that are included in the course books are as follows: the USA, Ireland, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, Jamaica, the Caribbean Islands and countries on the African Continent. Some of the English speaking countries´ are more frequent than others in the course books, for example the USA and Ireland, are mentioned in all four of the course books. The order in which the countries are mentioned above is due to the number of pages that they claim in the course books, putting the USA in the lead with most pages. The result of this is that the power structure of the world today is transferred to the course books at Upper secondary school in Sweden, that the USA is the most frequent country mentioned in the course books and also in world. This contradicts what Fairclough´s Critical Discourse Analysis (which I use in this thesis) is trying to do, namely to create a more equal world

    The effect of the care environment and the aesthetics on patients : - seen from a nurse perspective

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    Vårdmiljön och dess estetik är en viktig del av patientens livsvärld. Estetik är kunskapen om det sköna och dess modifikationer, samt förnimmelsekunskap. Sjuksköterskor kommer dagligen genom arbetet i kontakt med patienternas upplevelser av miljön. Tidigare forskning visar att det tenderar att finnas en uppdelning av estetiken i olika kategorier och att det saknas en helhetsbild av vårdmiljön och dess estetik. Det finns inte mycket beskrivet om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter inom området, inte heller mycket om patientens perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hur vårdmiljön och dess estetik påverkar patienterna. Datainsamlingen gjordes med intervjuer. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys gjordes av texten och fem kategorier framkom; personalens inflytande, vårdutrymmenas utformning och funktion, inredningen, vikten av genomtänkt stimulering och aktivitet samt tillgång till natur. Resultatet visar att vårdmiljö är ett brett ämne och uppfattningarna om ämnet grundar sig ofta på subjektiva erfarenheter och upplevelser. Personalen spelar en viktig roll i vårdmiljön. Det finns dock mycket kvar att göra i miljön.The care environment and its aesthetics is an important part of a patient's world. Aesthetics is the knowledge of beauty and its modifications; and also of perception. Nurses are in contact with patient's perception of the environment every day in their work. Former research shows that there tends to be a division of the aesthetics into different categories and there is a lack of knowledge about the whole picture. There is not much described about the nurse's experiences in the area neither is there much about the patient's perspective. The aim of the study is to cast light on the nurses experiences of how the care environment and its aesthetics affect the patients. Data collection was made through interviews and audio recorded and written out. A qualitative content analysis was made of the text, five categories were found; the influence of staff; the care areas design and function; interior; the importance of careful stimulation and activities; access to nature. The result shows that the care environment is a broad subject and the understanding of it is based on subjective experiences. The staff plays an important roll in the care environment. There is also much left to do about the environment

    End-of-Life-Related Factors Associated with Posttraumatic Stress and Prolonged Grief in Parentally Bereaved Adolescents.

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and prolonged grief disorder (PGD) are well-documented in parentally bereaved adolescents. Whether or not the parent's death is perceived as traumatic may be influenced by several end-of-life-related factors. This study aimed to examine the associations between end-of-life-related factors, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), symptoms of prolonged grief disorder and PGD, and the association between PTSD and PGD. Mann-Whitney U tests and Spearman correlation were used to analyze the relationships between end-of-life-related factors, PTSD, and PGD. Regretting one's decision to be present or not present at the time of death resulted in a significant difference in self-reported scores for PTSD, but not PGD

    The grief and communication family support intervention : Intervention fidelity, participant experiences, and potential outcomes

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    This study aimed to evaluate intervention fidelity and explore participants' experiences and potential outcomes after participating in the intervention. Using a pretest post-test pilot study, 10 parentally bereaved families completed the three-session manual-based intervention with a family therapist. Sessions were audio-recorded. Therapists completed an adherence checklist to assess fidelity. Assessments via questionnaires and interviews occurred at one month post-intervention and via questionnaires at baseline and six months post-intervention. This study showed a high level of fidelity. The study shows preliminary evidence of the intervention's capacity to improve communication and relationships in parentally bereaved families

    Psychological symptoms in widowed parents with minor children, 2-4 years after the loss of a partner to cancer

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    Objectives This study aimed to explore psychological symptoms in widowed parents with minor children, 2–4 years after the death of their partner. A second aim was to examine the associations between psychological symptoms and nonmodifiable and modifiable illness and healthcare-related factors. Methods A cross-sectional survey study on widowed parents with minor children after the loss of a partner to cancer. In total, 42 parents completed an online questionnaire including instruments for assessing symptoms of anxiety, depression, grief rumination, prolonged grief, and posttraumatic stress. Descriptive statistics, Spearman's correlation coefficients, Mann–Whitney U tests and Kruskal–Wallis tests were used to analyze differences in symptomology based on modifiable and nonmodifiable factors. Results Parents reported moderate–severe symptoms of anxiety, posttraumatic stress, and depression. Reporting having received more information during the partner's illness regarding how the illness could affect the partner's somatic and psychological health and where to turn for support were associated with fewer psychological symptoms. Conclusions A substantial proportion of widowed parents with minor children reported a moderate–severe symptom burden regarding depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress, and less so with prolonged grief symptoms. This study also highlighted the value of receiving information from healthcare personnel regarding the somatic and psychological effects of a partner's illness and where widowed parents can turn for support

    Communication, self-esteem and prolonged grief in parent-adolescent dyads, 1-4 years following the death of a parent to cancer

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    PURPOSE: Talking and grieving together may be advantageous for maintaining belief in a meaningful future and can help bereaved adolescents and their parents to cope better with the situation. The aim of this study was to explore communication, self-esteem and prolonged grief in adolescent-parent dyads, following the death of a parent to cancer. METHOD: This study has a descriptive and comparative design. Twenty family dyads consisting of parentally bereaved adolescents (12-19 years) and their widowed parents completed the Parent and Adolescent Communication Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Prolonged Grief-13, 1-4 years following the death of a parent. RESULTS: Twelve family dyads reported normal-high parent-adolescent communication, 11 dyads rated normal-high self-esteem. Two adolescents and three parents scored above the cut-off for possible prolonged grief disorder (≥35), none of these were in the same dyads. There was a difference (p < .05) between boys (mean 40.0) and girls (mean 41.9) with regard to open family communication, as assessed by parents. Girls reported lower self-esteem (mean 26.0) than boys (mean 34.1, p < .01). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insights from parentally bereaved families which indicate that despite experiencing the often-traumatic life event of losing a parent or partner, most participants reported normal parent-adolescent communication, normal self-esteem and few symptoms of prolonged grief. The potential usefulness of identifying families who may need professional support in family communication following the death of a parent is discussed

    Outcomes of the grief and communication family support intervention on parent and child psychological health and communication

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    Parents and children risk developing psychological health problems following the death of a partner/parent and may need professional support. This study used the reliable change criterion and clinically significant change to examine the outcomes of the Grief and Communication Family Support Intervention, comprising three family meetings with a family therapist, among 10 parents and 14 children, using pre-post outcome scores. The results provided preliminary evidence that the Grief and Communication Family Support Intervention may improve self-esteem and reduce anxiety in some parents and may improve communication and reduce internalizing and externalizing problems in some children

    Breaking the silence about illness and death : Potential effects of a pilot study of the family talk intervention when a parent with dependent children receives specialized palliative home care

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    Objective The entire family is affected when a parent is severely ill. Parents often need and appreciate professional support when talking to children about illness and death. The family talk intervention (FTI) is family-centered and intends to promote communication about the illness and its consequences, support parenting to enhance family coping and help family members share experiences with each other to create a shared family history. This study aimed to explore potential effects of FTI in specialized palliative home care, as reported by parents. Method This pre-post test intervention pilot was conducted in specialized palliative home care. A convergent mixed-method design was used to analyze interview and questionnaire data. Twenty families with dependent children were recruited from two specialized palliative home care units in Stockholm, Sweden. Results Parents reported that family communication improved after participation in FTI as family members learned communication strategies that facilitated open sharing of thoughts and feelings. Increased open communication helped family members gain a better understanding of each other's perspectives. Parents reported that relationships with their partner and children had improved as they now shared several strategies for maintaining family relationships. Parents were also less worried following participation in FTI. The ill parents stated that they gained a sense of security and were less worried about the future. Significance of results This study adds to the evidence that FTI may be a useful intervention for families with dependent children and an ill parent in a palliative care setting. This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT03119545

    Broadly Active Antiviral Compounds Disturb Zika Virus Progeny Release Rescuing Virus-Induced Toxicity in Brain Organoids

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    RNA viruses have gained plenty of attention during recent outbreaks of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), Zika virus (ZIKV), and Ebola virus. ZIKV is a vector borne Flavivirus that is spread by mosquitoes and it mainly infects neuronal progenitor cells. One hallmark of congenital ZIKV disease is a reduced brain size in fetuses, leading to severe neurological defects. The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging the development of new antiviral treatments against ZIKV, as there are no efficient countermeasures against ZIKV disease. Previously, we presented a new class of host-targeting antivirals active against a number of pathogenic RNA viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2. Here, we show the transfer of the image-based phenotypic antiviral assay to ZIKV-infected brain cells, followed by mechanism-of-action studies and a proof-of-concept study in a three-dimensional (3D) organoid model. The novel antiviral compounds showed a therapeutic window against ZIKV in several cell models and rescued ZIKV-induced neurotoxicity in brain organoids. The compound’s mechanism-of-action was pinpointed to late steps in the virus life cycle, impairing the formation of new virus particles. Collectively, in this study, we expand the antiviral activity of new small molecule inhibitors to a new virus class of Flaviviruses, but also uncover compounds’ mechanism of action, which are important for the further development of antivirals